Vetting Process
Our Vetting Process
Exceptional service through a servant mindset. Spreading the Gospel, producing change, unchaining minds through a Christ-centered and Holy Spirit-empowered approach utilizing empirically-supported methods. Want to work with us or partner with us? Our vetting process is strenuous, but it ensures that we provide the highest quality of care to those in need. We conduct multifaceted quality testing, including background checks, mental evaluations, and worldview evaluations, to help keep survivors safe. Join us in our mission to make a positive impact on the lives of those who have suffered.

Vetting Process
Background Check
This is the first part of our vetting process. A name-based background check form is filled out and will be sent to the Department of Public Safety. A check or money order payable to the State of Alaska in the amount of $20 must accompany this request. Additional copies, if requested at the time of this request, may be obtained for an additional $5 per copy. State agencies with a Reimbursable Services Agreement (RSA) in place may fax the appropriate forms. All other requests must be submitted via U.S. Postal Service or in person. Below is the link to the form. This form also satisfies the informed consent requirement of the state. It must be hand signed by the applicant.
Mental Evaluation
When the background check portion is passed, the applicant will move on to the mental evaluation portion of the vetting process. This portion will be conducted by a licensed psychologist. Please note that some of the questions asked will be considered invasive in nature. However, these questions need to be asked in order to maintain the highest degree of safety for staff, our board, and victim/survivors served. Informed consent is required on all steps in the vetting process and will be required prior to starting the evaluation.
Worldview Evaluation
Worldview evaluation is a pertinent aspect of our vetting process. Our worldview shapes how we see the world. Likewise, our theology will always drive our morality. We utilize a tool known as the Biblical Worldview Indicator (BMVI). You can take this test at the link below.
The Christian Trauma Healing Network is licensed to perform continuing education (CME) credits as well as credentialing. We adhere to the American Association of Christian Counselors. This committee also provides credentialing.
All lay and licensed counselors will be required to wear a badge indicating their name and credentials. We will provide extra training needed for lay counselors who volunteer with us. Our partner, Christian Trauma Healing Network, will be providing all of our trauma-informed counseling material. For licensed counselors, please gather further training paperwork from the establishment you practice at.